19 December 2005


The kids had their first bowling experience this weekend. It was fun. Corey wasn't too bad. Amory had lots of energy. Might have to take them again. Haven't thought about leagues, don't know how much the kids like it.

16 December 2005

Ok, so the the repost, etc.

The long post talked about Corey loving her gymnastics class at G-Force. Amory has really taken a liking to it there and was begging to quit parks and rec to go there. He was doing awesome at parks and rec. He has so much fun on the trampoline and bars. He finished up the session and did great! I did promise him that he could go to g-force if he really wanted to.

Also, I mentioned Corey's karate tournament. It's always fun. Corey really improved. She participated in strongest and fastest hitting and kicking. She also did the escape drill. There were a ton of kids in each of her groups, so, it was really hard to move up to the top and in one group she got a 4th place finish and there was very little difference between 1st and 4th. Oh well, that's life. As long as she had fun.

So, on to NOW.

Amory is officially at g-force. He had his first class last night and was super hyper, but his teacher was fine with that. She just channeled it better. Amory has decided to be a cheerleader in college. The KU spirit squad practices when we are watching Corey. He doesn't care about her, he just loves watching those guys flip and the girls fly. He will be starting karate soon. He's really excited and has already picked up some of the stuff from his sister.

Corey had her belt testing. She thinks she did well. I hope so. I can't get her to practice, so who knows. I know her buddy Grayson knew the whole kata. Corey knew very little of it. As for the other stuff, I know she knew the lapel grab (for example) and she forgot kinda what to do AT the test. I peeked in and saw tears in her eyes. Hope she practices more. We talked about it, hope she remembers that in the future.